I hope the information contained in this blog is helpful to you and gives you options to discuss with your healthcare professionals if necessary. The intent of the topics discussed is to provide healthcare information in an easy to understand format in an attempt to enhance the quality of life.

Monday, February 6, 2012

More E-Mail Questions I Could Not Ignore

Another question that I have gotten hundreds of time over my career is about mosquito bites and I just couldn't ignore this e-mail.
Question;  " I suffer terribly every time I am bitten by a mosquito.  I end up with welts the size of half dollars and all I want to do is scratch them until they bleed.  Due you have any answers that could help?"
Answer;    After a mosquito sucks your blood, the mosquito will leave its saliva in your body along with any bacterial or virus it may be carrying from a previous victim.  This saliva will cause a histamine reaction.  Depending on your bodies sensitivity you can develop anything from a small red bump to a huge welt.  If you think that you have a good chance of being bitten by a mosquito I recommend using mosquito repellent as well as taking a long acting antihistamine each day such as Zyrtec or the generic cetirizine once a day and at the same time each day.  If you are already using a mosquito repellent and taking the cetirizine and you notice you are bitten I recommend a remedy my grandmother who was also a pharmacist passed down to me.  Take some Adolf's Meat tenderizer (or any generic form will suffice) pour a little bit onto a spoon, add a few drops of water and mix together until you have formed a thick paste (note it will be a little bit gritty) then apply the paste directly to the bite area.  This will help remove the itching within minutes.  If need be, cover the area with a bandage for no more than 2 hours just long enough to keep the paste on that area and be absorbed at the site of the bite.  If the area is really itchy I suggest you rub an ice cube over the bite for 2-3 minutes prior to applying this mixture.

Question;  "I have bad knees and take ibuprofen daily for the pain.  I have had friends tell me about a compound called glucosamine does it really work."
Answer;    The product you are looking for is a combination product called glucosamine-chondroiton.  It should be noted that it is not a quick fix it can take up to three months before you begin to notice any changes in your joint linings or joint pain.  For adults I recommend you buy a product that comes in a 5:4 ratio.  You want to find a capsule formulation not a tablet which contains 500mg of glucosamine and 400mg of chondroiton.   It should be taken 3 times a day every day until the desired results are achieved at that point you can reduce the dose to once daily and in most cases you will be able to stop taking the ibuprofen.  Just for the record it saved me from having a hip replacement when I was in my 30's and the results left my orthopedist in shock.      

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