I hope the information contained in this blog is helpful to you and gives you options to discuss with your healthcare professionals if necessary. The intent of the topics discussed is to provide healthcare information in an easy to understand format in an attempt to enhance the quality of life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Question;  "After my last doctor's appointment my doctor wanted blood work done.  I had the blood taken the next day and received a call from my doctor's office 2 days later telling me he wanted to see me that day if possible.  Upon meeting with my doctor he told me my liver enzymes were outside normal limits and the test run indicated probable liver problems and pancreatitis.  I admitted to being more than just a social drinker and due to the stress of keeping my job and my financial responsibilities in this economy I was drinking between 4-6 drinks after work daily and probably more on the weekends for the last 6 months.  He told me to wake up and realize I was damaging almost every organ in my body, but for now he was most concerned with my pancreas and liver.  He also told me that he was also surprised that I did not develop a stomach bleed drinking that much alcohol while taking naproxen. "  ( a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug similar to ibuprofen) " I told him that I had not been taking the naproxen because it had been upsetting my stomach for the past few months so I was taking Tylenol in its place.  That is when my doctor told me that was the worst possible thing I could have done. The combination of Tylenol" (acetaminophen) " and alcohol could cause both irreversible liver and kidney damage.  My doctor told me I had to stop drinking immediately and stop taking Tylenol and he placed me on a drug called nabumetone for my knee.  I have 2 questions.  First will my pancreas heal my doctor said I could develop diabetes 2?  Second do I have permanent liver damage or will my liver heal itself?  I heard there was a product called thissle milk I could take that would help regenerate my liver like it was brand new, is this true and where can I get it?
Answer;    The first thing you need to do is stop your alcohol consumption.  If you are under that much stress ask your physician about prescribing an anxiolytic medication for a short time basis to relieve the stress and anxiety.  This, although, is not a long term solution.  You need to find an outlet, a hobby or interest to divert your attention from your anxiety or stress.  If this doesn't work counseling maybe the answer.  Your doctor was also right about ingesting alcohol and acetaminophen in the same time frame.  It is a serious problem that the public should really be made aware of on a regular basis.  I realize that you probably did this because taking the naproxen along with the alcohol was irritating your stomach lining but it was a serious error in judgement. As far as your pancreas is concerned if you were not hospitalized by your physician then chances are very good that your pancreatitis will go away if you discontinue the alcohol for a month.  Chances that you develop Type II diabetes from this episode are probably very small, however, I am not your doctor and do not know what your physical state is at the present time or if you have any other contributing factors such as obesity or a family history of adult onset (Type II) diabetes. One thing is for sure though if you continue to drink like you are now, then you greatly increase the risk.  As far as your second question there is no product available called thissle milk.  There is however an herbal remedy called  Silybum marianus commonly known as Milk Thistle.  You want to make sure that this seed extract that contains at least 70% of the active ingredient silymarin.  Milk Thistle is put out by many different manufacturers and is available in a capsule formulation. When the liver becomes compromised by alcohol it is important to boost its health and enhance remaining functioning liver.  Milk Thistle works by rebuilding healthy liver cells, stimulating the production of toxin-neutralizing antioxidants while improving bile flow and minimizing liver-related complications. In addition, Dandelion and Verbena officinalis are used to benefit liver and digestive health. Natural remedies make a gentle yet effective alternative to liver health and vitality.  Therefore, the answer to your second question is no.  Once you have damaged liver cells you can not rejuvenate them.  The key is to rebuild healthy liver cells  that you still have enabling them to work at peak performance.

Question;  "I am an easy bruiser do you know of anything that will quicken the time it takes for my bruises to go away."
Answer;    If you know you are going to get a bruise on a specific area of your body, try icing the area right away or if you notice an unsightly bruise that you are looking to heal just a little bit quicker as well as alleviate some of the pain associated with it I recommend two homeopathic remedies the first is called arnica gel.  Bruises hurt less and their color dissipates in about half the time.  The second is called Comphrey ointment (it is a mixture of Tallow, Comprey Leaves, olive oil, beeswax, and peppermint oil).          


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