I hope the information contained in this blog is helpful to you and gives you options to discuss with your healthcare professionals if necessary. The intent of the topics discussed is to provide healthcare information in an easy to understand format in an attempt to enhance the quality of life.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


First let me thank you for the questions I have received via e-mail, since I asked my readership if they had any concerns or healthcare issues I could shed some light upon.

QUESTION:  "I am in the 1st trimester of my 3rd pregnancy and am experiencing all the signs of morning sickness you hear about, but they seem to be never ending.  I have these symptoms what seems like 24 hours a day.  I never had a problem with my 1st two pregnancies, why now and is there anything I can do to lessen these effects  My OB told me that every pregnancy is different and did not have much to offer in the way of helpful advice.  Is there anything you are aware of that I can take to help me feel better without endangering my baby.
ANSWER:      My wife and I have 5 children and unfortunately she had terrible morning sickness with two of them.  From the time she put her feet on the floor in the morning till the time went to bed at night. However, I found the cure that alleviated all of her symptoms without causing any harm to our unborn children.  The answer was not a drug or a homeopathic remedy it was a device.  The device is a pair of wrist brands called ACUBANDS.   They work by acupressure (pressing down on a nerve ending on the wrist) to suppress all of the symptoms of morning sickness.  They are mainly marketed for motion (sea, air, car) sickness.  I've sold hundreds of pairs over my 30 year career and I swear by them.  They would totally alleviate any and all signs of morning sickness within minutes after applying them.  In fact, we had to have two pairs for her because she noticed when she took them off to shower or bathe her symptoms would return within minutes.  Therefore she wore them while bathing would remove them afterwards and put on a dry pair allowing the other pair to air dry.  I was so amazed by their effectiveness that I would tell my pregnant patients if they were not completely satisfied to return them and I would refund them double their purchase price.  Just as a side note I never had a pair returned.  These wrist bands are the only ones I ever recommended even though there many are similar products on the market.  The reason for this is the design, it provides a perfect fit for any person every time.  They retail for between $7.50 and $10.00 a pair.  If you can not find them in your local pharmacy you can purchase them over the Internet.

Question:  "I was recently at my local health food store and explained to the clerk that I was looking for a supplement to lower my blood pressure because I did not like side effects and the way I felt since my doctor had started me on a blood pressure medication.  The clerk told me they carried a popular homeopathic capsule containing garlic, cayenne, and a few other supplements and that it would lower blood pressure and not cause the side effects I was experiencing.  Is this true?"
Answer:   Unfortunately, because this garlic-cayenne combination is a naturally occurring substance and it not patented by a major drug company.  Without a patent it is worthless to a drug company to study and do clinical trials on patients because any drug company could copy or steal any useful information and market it themselves if it was thought to be of any benefit which means only monetary losses to the company who originally developed it and got FDA approval to market it as a drug. Therefore, most of these homeopathic plants or herbs are not considered drugs.  They are considered homeopathic remedies or food supplements.  Which are millions of dollars cheaper to place on the market under FDA guidelines.
Now to answer the question about the use of this remedy garlic and cayenne both can play an important role in dietary and exercise programs to help lower blood pressure.  The combination can help strengthen the heart and improve circulation over a period of time it can also lower cholesterol. The big questions are to what extent and how long can the process take.  The answer is that you probably can only expect a very minor drop in blood pressure and it could take weeks to months before it occurs.
Remember it is very important not  stop taking what your doctor has prescribed.  Depending on the medication stopping it abruptly could cause rebound hypertension.  This is when your blood pressure could end up higher than it was when you started the medication.  This could lead to a heart attack or stroke.  There are hundreds of medications to control blood pressure a lot of the time it is just a matter of time trying to find the right fit for you.
I am a strong believer in alternative medicine including homeopathic and natural remedies.  After all the practice of pharmacy and the use of medication owes its roots to plants that naturally occur in our environment. The drug digoxin ( "Digitalis" without question is the most valuable cardiac drug ever discovered and one of the most valuable drugs in the entire pharmacopoeia.) it is a drug derived from a plant that is responsible for saving millions upon millions of lives world wide who suffer from heart problems.  Homeopathic remedies need to be looked at on an individual case basis.

Question:  As a pharmacist what do you recommend for mucous and congestion?
Answer:    My recommendation to alleviate a mucous problem consists of three things.  First, cut out all dairy products (milk, cheese, etc.).  Dairy products are mucous forming and do nothing but to add to the problem.  Second, if not prohibited by any pre-existing medical conditions, such as problems with kidney function, edema (swelling), etc., then you need to increase your clear fluid intake.  This means adding 6-8 glasses of clear fluids to your diet each day that you are experiencing a mucous problem.  Third and most importantly is adding an over-the-counter medication known as guaifenesin which helps the body to break down the mucous and reabsorb it as fluid for excretion.  Although, expensive I find the most effective form and least irritating to the stomach is Mucinex.  This medication comes under many different names both brand and generic which are less pricey such as Robitussin and many generic forms.  I find the extended release dosage forms to be most effective.
For congestion my primary recommendation is the over-the-counter drug pseudoephedrine.  Pseudoephedrine can not be found on the shelf of a supermarket or pharmacy. It is kept behind the counter and you must have a driver's license to purchase this product due to state and federal regulations.  This requirement is mandated since it was being use to make the illegal street drug crystal methamphetamine.  If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure please check with your health care professional prior to use.  My second recommendation although not as effective is a decongestant called phenylephrine.  I do not recommend nasal sprays such as oxymetazoline nasal spray the active ingredient in Afrin nasal spray as well as others.  Although, they work for a full 12 hours as a decongestant anything other that very short term use can lead to a physical dependence, as they dry the nasal passages out so much the body overcompensates by rehydrating these tissues with mucous making the condition even worse.  This is also referred to as rebound congestion and if this occurs weaning off these products is very lengthy and uncomfortable process.  Lastly, the two products I have recommended guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine are both safe to take during pregnancy.

Question:  I wake up in the morning with dry, bloodshot, irritated eyes that feel like they are full of sand. I have used all types of eye drops any lubricating tear ointment prior to bedtime, but they don't seem to help my pharmacist looks like he is just out of school and has no answers for me.  Have you ever heard of an allergy or condition like this one.
Answer:    I can not be sure, but it sounds like you are suffering from blepharitis (dandruff of the eyelids specifically that area of skin around your top and bottom of your eyelashes).  It is usually a seasonal condition and occurs much more often than you think.  Flakes of skin exfoliate from the eyelash area and enter the eye(s) while sleeping. The body treats these flakes of skin as a foreign thus causing you to wake up with the symptoms you mentioned.  Treatment is very easy and the condition can be cleared up in a few days.  It can be treated agrressively with a tearless baby shampoo and cotton swabs.  All you have to do is gently scrub the area of your eyelashes top and bottom after placing the shampoo on the end of the swab. Which debrides any loose skin from the area. Follow this by gently removing the shampoo with a warm washcloth.  Finally, gently massage an artificial tear ointment to the external portion of the eye lashes.  This will usually alleviate the condition within 2-3 days, However, it is a good idea to repeat this procedure at least once or twice a week once it has cleared. There is also a less aggressive form of therapy which usually takes 7-10 days two work, but must be maintained and repeated 3-4 days a week after the condition has cleared.  there are eyes cleansing pads sold over-the-counter that not only debrede the loose skin from the area around the eyelashes but they also contain a moisturizer to help reduce the reoccurance of the condition.  Although, the cleansing pads are more expensive and take a little longer for  the results to occur you basically end up with the same outcome.

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